Export Images from Microsoft Files

Did you know that Word’s DOCX or PPTX file formats are glorified ZIP files? Change the extension to ZIP, unzip it, and you’ll find all of the document’s original assets, including the images as individual files in a folder. More importantly, InDesign can access the original high-resolution images when you place a DOCX file, even…

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Hiring a Freelance Graphic Designer

Lеt’s first assume two things. Number one, freelancers аrе, fοr thе mοѕt раrt, hοnеѕt, straightforward people. Number two, clients, аrе аlѕο mostly hοnеѕt, straightforward people. Hοwеνеr, everyone hаѕ hаd a bаd experience аt ѕοmе point іn thеіr career. Thе designer wasn’t paid fοr work οr thе client didn’t receive a completed work product fοr whісh…

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Wow, What An Honor!

I was just notified that I’m one of the top 25 graphic designers in the Seattle area! I’m very honored to be named. See me and other top designers at http://www.expertise.com/wa/seattle/web-design

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Vector vs. Raster – Which one do you need?

If you don’t understand the difference between vector and raster, you’re not alone! The majority of images you see everyday on your computer are raster-based. Raster graphics are simply a grid of pixels, with each pixel assigned a color.  When you zoom in on a raster image — like a .jpg photo of your family…

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Photoshop Creative Magazine

I was a runner-up two months in a row in the international Photoshop Creative magazine. Each month, a challenge is posted along with four photos to use in a new, original piece. Getting published once in the magazine is great, but two months in a row tell me I must be doing something right! I’m…

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Winning Entry – Photoshop Creative

Photoshop Creative started a new photoshop battle contest. Round one had us use a photo of some canaries and create a new image using them. My entry won and is now the image that needs to be used for round two of the battle. You can see mine and the other entries here.

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Growth – How My Web Design Has Progressed

I started building websites in 1995 after stumbling upon source code and figuring it out on my own. This was before there were books written on the subject and you couldn’t even find documentation on the Internet. I was pretty proud of my first sites and I wish I had archived them just for the…

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2013 Design Portfolio

This portfolio showcases my favorite projects of 2013, as well as some things I did for fun. 2013 Design Portfolio-REVISED by Anita L. Elder|Make Your Own Book

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